

Urban planning department

Master Plan Concept of Mirny City

Client: Administration of Mirny Municipality, Arkhangelskaya Oblast

Project goal: to create in the city social and culture facilities which would be as close as possible to their availability in big cities and develop an individual architectural image of the city which would humanize the Northern environment and symbolize the aim of its creation, a satellite city.

At present the town needs additional development of cultural, health, and service centres, it needs creating conditions for youth development and supporting inhabitants’ health in the conditions of severe northern climate.

In view of the prospects for Mirny development and migration drift decrease the population of the town will grow for the project period. Allowing for these circumstances, the master plan concept offers to reconstruct existing residential areas and to develop a new building estate.

The most buildings of social and cultural infrastructure are planned to locate along the main town street stretching along the lake Plestsy lakeside. Town centre development suggests pedestrian area development, construction of shopping areas, cafes, and restaurants for all ages and social groups. Taking into account the fact that one fifth of the town population are children, the project provides for construction of the children’s open-air amusement park. Among the main targeted projects there is a water park (0.42 bln rubles), roofed stadium, and central town library.

The southern part of the town will be developing at the expense of construction a new housing estates with a high level of social stability, equipped with shopping and entertainment centres, a cinema and concert hall and comfortable parking lots.

Master plan concept of the town Mirny provides for reconstruction and forward development of the town transport infrastructure, first of all it implies the improvement of external links with the arterial roads of Arkhangeskaya Region. A construction of a new railway station in the north part of the town is offered.

In general, developers faced the tasks of forming individual architectural image of the town and creating in restricted autonomous area Mirny a ‘micromodel’ of a city with a well-developed infrastructure and with constructions necessary for medical, educational, sports, service and recreational purposes. Thus, military personnel’s kids, who were born and grew up in Mirny, will be able to adapt to a new social environment easier after moving to a modern non-restricted area.


  • Smirnova S. – director general, project chief engineer;

  • Bogdanova E. – project chief architect;

  • Yakovenko K. – chief of the architectural studio;

  • Finogenov V. - leading specialist in economy;

  • Oskova T. - leading specialist in transport;

  • Dobrovolskaya I. – engineer, lead specialist in environment;

  • Konovalov V. - leading specialist in engineering supply;

  • Dashko M. – team director, architect;

  • Shamish N. – leading engineer;

  • Morozova – leading engineer;

  • Grigoriev D. – energy engineer;

  • Filippova O. – sanitation engineer;

  • Bulgacheva T. – engineer;

  • Kourov V. – geology engineer.

Immediate participants in the project:

  • Yaskorskiy D. – chief architect of Arkhangelsk region;

  • Babushkina L. - chief architect of the City of Mirny;

  • Melnikov E. - geology engineer, lead specialist of the geodynamic laboratory of VNIMI, honored geologist of the RF, Candidate of Science;

  • Bogolubov V. – economist, D.Sc.



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